Category: News

Meet Dr. Ramycia McGhee

Dr. Ramycia McGhee radiates positive energy as she walks briskly into the poetry classroom with two students trailing behind her, their arms loaded with journal notebooks. Students settle into their desks, the mood is...

Happy Birthday, LBCC!

In 1993, Bill Clinton was president, gas was $1.60 a gallon, you could buy a brand new house for $130K in Albany, and a 25 year time capsule was buried in the courtyard at...

Hidden Figure of LBCC

What or who would you need if this sentence was written in a different language? On our campus there is a rare treasure who acts as an operating system/translator here at LBCC, Julia Larson...

LBCC Reaffirms Academic Freedom on Campus

Over 50 students, faculty and community members filled the LBCC boardroom to standing-room only for a heated policy debate on academic freedom on campus. Academic freedom protects the right of faculty to teach, show...

Freedom of Expression Discussion

Freedom of Expression Discussion

On Wednesday, the LBCC library was opened up to a discussion on freedom of expression. The Civil Discourse Club, working with the library staff, brought a panel of experts to talk with students and...

VIP Student Lounge Opens

VIP Student Lounge Opens

Located on the second floor of Takena Hall 229, the VIP lounge is part of the First Year experience department at LBCC to help increase student retention. Diana Boro-Boswell, the organizer of the VIP...