Wellness Wednesday:  Gettin’ Hygge With It

Hope some of you had good experiences with a Complaint Free day or two (see last week’s Wednesday Wellness). It’s harder than I think every time, but when I can succeed in keeping the bracelet on one arm for a few hours at a time, the difference is obvious. My spirits lift, and I’m more generous and forgiving. 

Hey! Winter Solstice has arrived! It may not feel like it, but we’re getting a few more minutes of daylight every day. Kind of hard to tell with the rain and clouds, though, and we’re still dark by dinnertime. So here’s another way to lift spirits during the gloomy days: do something Hygge. 

If you’ve missed the little bestseller about it, below is the Oxford definition of the word that actually doesn’t rhyme at all with “jiggy”. 


  1. (especially in reference to the Danish lifestyle) the feeling of coziness and contentment evoked by simple comforts, as being wrapped in a blanket, having good conversations, enjoying food, etc.:Holidays are full of hygge for me and my family.


  1. cozy and comforting:  This room is very hygge with its soft cushions and warm fireplace.

It boils down to mindfully creating a comforting, peaceful atmosphere.  Here in the PNW, it’s been dark, damp and chilly for weeks, and we can expect lots more of the same. Time to embrace rather than resist. Today’s challenge is to put some of the principles of Hygge into your evening.  Light some candles, make a hot drink, find a cozy blanket and a good book, or invite friends over for a game of Scrabble, and snuggle on down into the dark night.  Enjoy!

 Jana Svoboda, LBCC Advising Center

Jana Svoboda

Advising Faculty, LBCC. Clinical Social Worker, mental health educator, lover of the natural world and certified member of the Cloud Appreciation Society.