LBCC ROV Team Competes in Colorado – Day 3

Photos courtesy of Greg Mulder

LONGMONT, Colorado — This is the day where the most points are earned at the competition.

To see a video of what our ROV needs to do go to:

The team has 5 minutes to set up, 15 minutes to complete the assigned tasks and then another 5 minutes to clean up.

And the team got 90 points!  To compare, the other university group competing in the same time slot got 75 points during the same run.

This is the first run of the day, we’ll get another go at it this afternoon.

Meanwhile, attached are some photos of the team. Notice the one individual not wearing a uniform in one of the photos.  This is Marty Klein.  Klein is responsible for much of the development of side-scan sonar.  You can read his story at this link:

Klein has always been a big supporter of LBCC.  A former student of ours is heading a computer science research group in Paris – she got a lot of inspiration from Klain about 15 years ago during the very first year LBCC attended a MATE competition.

LBCC increased their “product demonstration” score to 125 in the follow up round.  Purdue also scored 125. 

Tomorrow we compete in the collaboration round, where we need to work with three other schools to open a chest and release four floats that need to be brought to shore.