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New Class Offered at LBCC

New to LBCC fall term is Roadrunner Connections, a free, non-credit ‘class’ where students can attend events throughout the term and not only earn a tuition credit, but also earn LB swag, such as water bottles, t-shirts for attending volleyball games and volunteer events, stickers, LB lanyards, and drawstring backpacks. 

This class, which is offered every term except for summer, is as simple as it gets; students who attend at least seven out of 10 events will receive one free tuition credit for the following term. That’s equivalent to $140.58 added to your Roadrunner account.

Chieftain of Events for the SLC, Victoria Aguas, says that “Rob’s class has no homework, no quizzes and you just go to events… you have to do seven and then you get a free credit.” She relays that the whole program really gets you to engage with other students and get out of your comfort zone. 

Interested in this course? Here is the CRN for winter term: CRN35116 

Course advisors Rob Camp and Carol Raymundo “have seen that students who get involved with the program, which hosts events completely different from ones you’d see in classrooms, are more likely to be successful inside of a classroom setting. They also gain new social skills and new friends in and outside of the course,” said Camp. 

So far, the fall term Roadrunner Connections course has 21 students. A few of the students are more involved in the LB community than others, and that’s how they discovered the class. Danae Fouts, who is the Executive Assistant for the Student Leadership Council, said that “[she is] grateful for the Roadrunner Connections course,” and that “it has pushed me to have experiences I wouldn’t have otherwise!” 

Additionally, Fouts said “The ‘De-Mystifying the Myths of Scholarships Workshop’ held over zoom in week two, made me more confident in applying for more scholarships at LB, and more confident and knowledgeable when applying for scholarships in the future at different schools.” This event is part of the Roadrunner Connections. This event and others can be found on the SLC calendar. 

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